Did Confucius skate? Did Lao Tzu flutz
his lutz?
We have to admit we don't have a clue.
But we do know that sometimes,
when the right skater skates and the watcher looks for more than the elements,
wise words and skating can align in the most surprising way.
Take a year-long journey with 12 original photos of Ilia and
some thoughts - ancient, philosophical, amusing, inspirational and deep.
From wizened yogis to Yogi Berra we have found the words we hope you will enjoy
appreciate. Paired with
Laurie Asseo's superb photos of Ilia, it is twelve months of special.
We are pleased to offer our 2011 Ilia Kulik Calendar

The cost is $15.00 per calendar plus
mailing costs, no change from prior years.
Calendar mailed to the U.S. and Canada. . . $19.00
Calendar mailed to all other countries . . . $24.00
Payment Option 1: Paypal
Click below on the right price for your calendar;
be sure to include your
current mailing address
on your Paypal order
$19.00 U.S. and Canada
$ $24.00 other countries
Payment Option 2: Personal Check (U.S. Only) or Postal
Money Order:
Rita Meyers
21230 SE 268th Place
Maple Valley, WA 98038
To ensure the timely printing of your calendar, if you are planning to send a
check or
money order
please notify Rita
of your order (number of calendars, mailing
by clicking here
If you need assistance of any kind with your order please
click here