skating links
Express, December 2000

Photo © Amy Salamey
ilia kulik: “I like what i do.
but the judges don’t”
A year ago Kulik’s
performance at Worlds Pro caused lot’s of criticism. His
programs demonstrated evident lack of practicing. His
triples were much worse comparing to his amateur
performances. It looked like after he has left Tatiana
Tarasova, who had been
preparing him for Olympics, he couldn’t manage with
his new status alone. But in the beginning of December in
Washington the skater created a furore by his new program he
presented to the spectators. The program, which he created
himself from the beginning to the end. The break-dance on
- How did you get the
idea to create such an unusual program?
- I like to watch
break-dance since my childhood. I recall, I was probably 13,
whwn I tried to do something like this on the floor. And
realized that those moves are not that easy to do. Or,
probably, I am just not used to such moves. Our choreography
training always had definite ballet tendentions. And that
was at that time, when the idea to make a break-dance
program some day got on my mind. Last summer I watched tapes
and tried different moves in front of the mirror for 2 or 3
months. I even wanted to find a break-dance teacher, but
failed to. And when I started practicing on ice I began to
try to arrange the moves I had learnt into the program.
- How did you manage to
do it so brilliant all by yourself?
- I was asking to tape me
everyone who was in the neighborhood all the time. On each
practice. This way I brought the program to the completion.
- Did you take easy your
last year debut at Pro championships?
- Frankly, even now I still
haven’t got, how one is supposed to perform on Pro
championships and what kinds of programs to prepare. Let us
say, I like what I do. But the judges don’t, taking the
results into account. The main goal now is to find the
golden middle. I haven’t managed to do that yet. This time
I tried to undertake too much. To put on dark glasses, to
perform in the lights, to do all the triples and to preserve
all the choreography... Probably, I just lacked some luck.
But I liked the my condition when I performed. I had good
feet, and was in a good mood. All the moves were done right.
Only the lights proved to be a problem. I failed to adjust
to the lights during the program. I used to jump in full
illumination, and during the warm-up, by the way, too. And
when I started the performance, they made light less, and I
realized that I lost control over the situation. So I had to
substitute all the triples with doubles.
- For me it looked like
you just got some problems with triples. Probably, it’s
lack of practices?
- Actually, there are no
problems. I just don’t feel like doing primitive running
starts. I have a longing to think of something more
complicated, to make interesting starts for the jumps. Well,
the fact that I just had no time to prepare technical
program in the right way also played its role.
- Do you have time to
practice something new when taking part in a tour?
- On the tour you have
something new every day. Element of improvisation always
takes place in every performance. That’s., by the way,
what I like the Stars on Ice team for. It doesn’t let you
relax. It’s a custom in our team to watch each other’s
performances. And if you are not aiming at constantly adding
something new and special to your program, at least one new
step, it’s kind of bad manners.
- You probably get tired
of monotonous performances during 3 months of touring?
- Sure I do. Sometimes I
work “on autopilot”. Sometimes “on teeth”. When I am
ill, for example, or hurt my leg, or when performing in
mountains, when you lack air since the second minute of
skating. But nobody cares about all those things. The only
task is to go on the ice and make public like you. It
happens sometimes in such moments that I start to hate
everyone around me. But that’s normal. Just a hard work.
- Did the cast of the
tour change comparing to the last year?
- Lu Chen, Lena Bechke and
Katia Gordeeva left.
- And what did the
Hollywood shootings with your participation result in?
- They made a movie, Center
Stage. It was shown in the USA in the cinemas. And even in
Europe. It was kind
of a success. In general I liked that experience. With the exception
of several
- It’s tedious to do make
Sport Express,