Drive Rockit スターズオンアイス
Baseball Cap Blues for Narada Bolero
Four Corners Jumpin' jack Noise Pagliacci Seisouso スターズオンアイス
Moatal Kombat ラプソディーインブルー レボリューション
ファウスト ロミオとジュリエット 愛の夢
Always アダムスファミリー アラジン
1995 & Before
Medley パリのアメリカ人 リゴレット
with Ekaterina Gordeeva 1999-2000
Stars on Ice
Si t・no
If you
are not there
No quiero estar
sin ti
I don't want to be without you
Si tu no estas aqui me sobra el aire
If you're not here, I don't need air
No quiero estar asi
I don't want to be this way
Si tu no estas la gente se hace nadie
If you're not there, people become
Si tu no estas aqui no se
If you're not here I don't know
Que diablos hago amandote
What the devil's name I'm doing loving
Si tu no estas aqui sabras
If you're not here you must know
Que Dios no va a entender por que te vas
That God is not going to understand
why you're eaving
No quiero estar sin ti
I don't want to be without you
Si tu no estas aqui me falta el sue
If you're not here I lack sleep
No quiero andar asi
I don't want to be this way
Latiendo un corazon de amor sin due
A loving heart beating without an
Si tu no estas aqui no se...
If you're not here. I don't know...
Derramare mis sues si algun dia no te tengo
will spill away(cry away) my dreams, If I don't have you
some day
Lo mas grande se hara lo mas peque
The biggest thing will become the
smallest thing
Paseare en un cielo sin estrellas esta vez
I will stroll in a sky without stars
this time
Tratando de entender quien hizo un infierno el paraiso
Trying to understand who made a hell
out of paradise
No te vayas nunca porque
Don't ever go because
No puedo estar sin ti
I can't be without you
Si tu no estas aqui me quema el aire
If you're not here the air burns me
Si tu no estas aqui no se...
If you're not here I don't know...
...que Dios no va a entender por que te vas
...that God is not going to understand
why you're leaving
Si tu no estas aqui
If you're not here
un Bolero
Almost a Ballad
Suenan las
campanas de mi mente
Sound (Ring) the bells of my mind
que tristemente suenan por mi
that sadly sound (ring) for me
En esta casa sin gente
In this empty house
que me recuerda tanto, tanto a ti
that reminds me so much, so much of
Esta maldita soledad
This dammed loneliness
viene conmigo y conmigo va
Comes with me, and with me it goes
con tu foto sobre mi piel
With your photo over (against) my skin
Suena en mi corazon
Sounds (There rings) in my heart
casi un bolero
almost a ballad
Y ojala estuvieras junto a mi esta vez, y muchas mas
And hoping (wishing) you would be by
me this time, and many more
Y ojala te viera junto a mi otra vez, y muchas mas
and hoping(wishing) I would see you
next to me again, and many more (times)
La tristeza que te canto
The sadness I sing to you
se la va llevando el viento
Is being taken by (going with) the
Ahora que te busco me arrepiento
Now that I search for you I
repent(regret it)
no se porque te deje marchar
I don't know why I let you go
nunca te dije te quiero
I never told you I loved you
no lo podias adivinar
you couln't you guess it
Con tu recuerdo siempre
Always with your memory
como un fantasma que no se va
like a phanthom(ghost) that does not
Pongo tu foto sobre mi piel
I put your photo over(against) my skin
suena mi corazon
sounds (there rings) in my heart
casi un bolero
almost a ballad
Y ojala estuvieras junto a mi
And hoping(wishing) you would be by me
esta vez, my muchas mas
this time and many more
y ojala te viera junto a mi otra vez y muchas mas
and hoping(wishing) I would see you
next to me again, and many more (times)
La tristeza que te canto
The sadness I sing to you
Se la va llevando el viento.
Is being taken by (going with) the
Bolero Photos
on Ice
1999-2000 Tour
Nov. 27, 1999 -
April 8, 2000
on the underlined text for links throughout the page
9938129,9938135,9938204, and 9938206 jpg.
All Photos on this page copyrighted by
J. Barry Mittan